Hello! My name is Angelina and I am the mom behind April Violet.
I am originally from R.I where I spent my childhood years. R.I is full of many of my favorite people and things, Family, the ocean and yummy food! My Grandmother
who is just the sweetest woman I will ever meet in life taught my sisters and I how to sew by hand and crochet. She has alot of patience because there were three of us girls ages 6, 12, 15 at that time. I didn't take much to crocheting but sewing really interested me. For one thing I wasn't very good at crocheting so sewing was just going to be it. We weren't wealthy but we knew how to make due with the things we had or were given. I can remember my father bringing me a HUGE roll of spandex
Yes, Spandex we are talking early 80's and he told me this should keep you busy for a while. It did! The first thing I made with it was an Indian/Tribal costume. It was gorgeous! I will have to find a picture and scan it to post here, I know my mother still has it!
Top, skirt, headband and beads to match, my family was very impressed. Me, not so much, I knew there was more practicing and and many more things to try before I would impress myself.
In my early teens we moved to V.A and I fell in LOVE with Va. I really did alot of growing here in Va and this is my home. I have met a variety of people and personalities over the years and each person has touched my life in one way or another. I continued to sew but only as things needed repair or I wanted to inexpensively update our home.
I met a wonderful man named Chris while working at a service station in Dc and we became very close friends. He and his family helped me through a very rough time and during all of this we were falling in love with eachother. It really was and still is just beautiful. When we found out we were expecting my sewing drive kicked in! I was working full time while pregnant so I didn't have too much time to sew. A few diapers here and there and a blanket. When we were expecting our youngest son I was a stay at home mother and had time then to sew. He was really shocked how I just dove in and started sewing what he called "The coolest things." Chris had no idea that I knew how to sew but realized very quickly I could and how much I enjoyed it. Our sons had a 'cool' selection of cloth diapers, blankets, pants and shorts.
I started working from home and selling my wares online. I was shocked at all the websites that allowed me to help provide for my family from home.
Now, my Mother whom has always been so supportive of my dreams has four girls and we have seven sons between us. I sewed alot of boyish things for a long time. In 2008 we found out my baby sister would soon have a girl, the first girl to be born in our family in 23yrs. That opened a whole new avenue for my sewing. Little girls dresses for my sweet little neice Arianna, how EXCITING! I decided I needed a name if I was going to branch out and start selling my dresses as well. April Violet. This name is the name of one of my sisters.
and so it all began..................
Thank you for taking the time to read a little about me and the start of April Violet,
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